The Love Brattleboro campaign is a charge, a challenge, a statement, a command.
It’s also a love letter from the town itself, to the people staying, playing, and enjoying all that Brattleboro and the surrounding areas of Southern Vermont has to offer.
It’s also a love letter from the town itself, to the people staying, playing, and enjoying all that Brattleboro and the surrounding areas of Southern Vermont has to offer.
Utilize multiple channels to reach audiences with targeted messages of the many things to love about Brattleboro.
Digital and Print Advertising
Direct Sales
Social Media
Public Relations
Travel Persona-focused itineraries
Community Engagement via #lovebrattleborovt social media photo contest
We far exceeded all of our goals, including direct sales, social media engagement, public relations, website activity, and community engagement despite the campaign’s launch at the beginning of the pandemic. We also received a campaign shout-out from USA Today.
These small cities are getting big tourism ambitions: Spokane, Duluth, Brattleboro
“Loving it in Brattleboro, Vermont: Tourism officials in Brattleboro launched a new campaign called #LoveBrattleboroVT during the pandemic. The initiative promotes arts and cultural events to bring visitors to the destination. For example, this summer it promoted special events like Retreat Farm's Food Truck Round-Up and the town's signature Gallery Walk on the first Friday of every month…” - USA TODAY

"When CCC came before the Brattleboro Selectboard to present their LOVE BRATTLEBORO campaign to us, I was immediately impressed with the thoughtful and creative designs they brought to the board and our whole town. They captured the spirit of Brattleboro with their "love stickers" that immediately became collectable, each one capturing a different element of our little river town. Everyone seemed to have their favorite, representing something that inspired their pride in this community."
– Tim Wessel, former Brattleboro Head Selectperson